2022 MHBC Election

It is time for the 2022 MHBC board member election. Meetings are traditionally held the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM. During these meetings we discuss admin work (insurance, taxes, website work etc) as well as the direction of the club.

We will be voting (if position is contested) and confirming during the MHBC Fall Round-up on 10/16/21.

We would love to have more involvement for the 2022 year. Come join us and help make the MHBC the best it can be!

The current slate for 2022 is:

President: Steven Dickens

Vice President: Ron Gall

Treasurer: William Miller

Secretary: Gail Thornton

Advocacy Council: David Gordon

Members-At-Large: David Lipp, Karen Weis, Paula Ward, Joseph Hoover, Barbara Alstadt, Fred Freed, Karen Flaherty, Jason Klock, Paul Balser, Jeffrey Saffir



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